商業攝影專業文憑 (DE424208D)
1) 攝影專業證書 (DE424209C)
2) 影樓攝影專業證書 (DE424210C)
課程編號 | 資歷架構 級別 |
資歷名冊 |
資歷名冊 登記有效期 |
上課模式 | 修業期 | |
DE424208D |
4 | 22/000127/L4 | 15/04/2022 - 31/08/2026 | 兼讀制 | 144小時 (~12個月) |
成功完成以下兩個專業證書後,學生將獲頒發專業文憑: | ||||||
DE424209C | 4 | 22/000128/L4 | 15/04/2022 - 31/08/2026 | 兼讀制 | 72小時 (~6個月) |
DE424210C | 4 |
22/000131/L4 |
15/04/2022 - 31/08/2026 | 兼讀制 | 72小時 (~6個月) |
Remarks: |
(1) Fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable unless the programme is cancelled. |
(2) This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 4). |
(3) Teaching Language: English (supplemented with Cantonese if necessary) |
申請資格: | 持有香港永久性居民身分證及首次成功入讀該合資格課程 |
學費發還比例: | 60% |
資助上限: | HK$36,000 |
可申請課程數量: | 多於一個合資格課程 (至用畢資助上限為止) |
申請期限: | 開課日起30天內 |
- facilitate learners' critical evaluation of the photography industry in the theoretical and technical aspects;
- strengthen learners' ability to incorporate technical and conceptual competences in their photography works;
- provide learners with the opportunity to understand the current practices in the commercial photography industry; and
- enable learners to apply acquired knowledge and skills to create professional portfolio for presentation to different targeted clients, such as fashion, product, editorial, advertising, and wedding photography.
DE424209C 攝影專業證書 (72小時)
- DDM4011Y Photography Essentials (36小時)
- Equipment and techniques of photography
- Light: How images are formed
- Design and composition principles of photography
- DDM4012Y Image Retouching and Digital Workflow (36小時)
- Digital workflow
- Digital photo shooting techniques
- Post-production
- Device calibration and control
- Digital data management and publishing
DE424210C 影樓攝影專業證書 (72小時)
- DDM4013Y Advertising Product and Staged Still Life (36小時)
- Principle of studio photography
- Studio photographic media and technology
- Principle of dimensional lighting control
- Lighting for specific subjects
- Art direction in commercial photography
- Advanced digital photography applications and logistics
- DDM4014Y Fashion and Wedding Portraits (36小時)
- Professional knowledge and techniques of fashion, wedding and portrait photography
- Techniques of outdoor fashion, wedding and portrait photography
- Advertising photography workflow
- Creative project
▌ Carl TSANG 曾嘉樂
A Hong Kong-based photographer, a member of Asia Region’s most prestigious photography Institute - Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers (HKIPP) and the chief photographer of CT Creative & Production. Carl focuses mainly on portraits, still life, and landscapes for his clients.
He started working with the Taiwan Tourism Bureau Hong Kong in 2013 to photograph the beauty of Taiwan. In using his professional photographic skills, he managed to combine beautiful scenic views, local culture, and tourism elements into his photographs to show a different Taiwan to the public.
On the other hand, Carl has held a number of Solo Photography Exhibitions in Hong Kong, Taiwan, SuperStar Virgo, and Eslite Bookstore in Hong Kong to promote Taiwan Tourism and Photography. At the same time, he was invited by many brands as a speaker and writer in many talks and columns in various magazines and Internet media. Since 2016, Carl has held regular talks in Eslite Bookstore and shared his knowledge of Tourism and Photography with the public. Due to his contribution to Taiwan Tourism, he has received awards from the Taiwan Tourism Bureau Hong Kong for consecutive 3 years from 2014 to 2016.
▌ Martin WONG 黃若萌
One of the few jewellery photographers in Hong Kong and a graduate of the Brooks Institute in the USA. Driven by a passion for excellence, Martin further honed his skills as a Professional Colorist through specialized training at Colour.Training in Los Angeles, USA. As the owner and director of dg2 Pro Limited, his client list includes auction houses and jewellery companies such as Christie's, Moussaieff, Boghossian, Etcetera, and Dehres.
Recognized as the nominated jewellery photographer for Christie's, Martin's outstanding work has garnered widespread acclaim from multiple jewellery companies and auction companies.
With an in-depth understanding of lighting techniques and a strong aesthetic sense, Martin’s expertise extends beyond jewellery photography, encompassing diverse specialities such as still life, food and the operation of both cameras and films.
Martin為Christie’s指定珠寶攝影師,畢業於美國Brooks Institute,後來於洛杉磯Colour.Training接受色彩處理技術專業培訓。及後成立dg2 Pro Limited,Martin的傑出作品廣受珠寶公司和拍賣行的讚譽與肯定,客戶包括Christie’s、Moussaieff、Boghossian、Etcetera和Dehres等。
▌ Daniel TAM 譚家枬
A renowned wedding photographer based in Hong Kong, Daniel was honored as one of the Top 20 Photographers on the Web in 2016.
His pre-wedding albums for celebrities such as Grace Wong (王君馨), Timmy Hung (洪天明) and Janet Chow(周家蔚), Kayi Cheung (張嘉兒), Patrick Tang (鄧健泓) and Sukie Shek (石詠莉) are characterized by an alluring and dramatic flair.
Beyond his expertise in wedding photography, Daniel's versatility has led him to participate in a diverse array of projects, including commercial shoots, large-scale production, film productions, and advertising media production. He collaborated with China Fordoo Holdings Limited on a lookbook shoot featuring the actor Joe Ma (馬德鐘), and lent his skills to the 'Save the Children' charity campaign in 2016, capturing images of its ambassador, Donnie Yen (甄子丹).
Daniel's extraordinary work has attracted international acclaim, with Exquisite Publishing inviting him for a featured interview in Asia Dreams, where he was described as an inspirational figure in Asia. Daniel’s professionalism is not only a guarantee of quality but also a symbol of beauty.
香港著名婚紗攝影師, 2016年獲評選為網上20大最佳攝影師之一。
Daniel多才多藝,除了婚紗攝影,更涉獵不同領域,包括商業拍攝、大型製作、電影製作及廣告媒體製作。例如與馬德鐘合作,為China Fordoo Holdings Limited拍攝造型冊,以及於2016年「Save the Children」慈善活動為親善大使甄子丹拍攝照片。
開課及報名 (DE424209C)
開課及報名 (DE424210C)
屆 | 2 |
開課日期 | 2025年1月11日 |
預計完成日期 | 2025年5月3日 |
上課日及時間 | M1: 星期六,13:00 - 19:00 M2: 星期六,13:00 - 19:00 |
上課地點 | HKDI |
早鳥優惠截止日期 | 2024年11月11日 |
網上報名 | 已開課 |
就讀影樓攝影專業證書 (DE424210C) 需具備基本攝影知識和技巧。申請人須提交相當於DE424209C資歷之證明和作品集,以展示相關經驗和知識。
DE424208D | DE424209C | DE424210C | |
學費 | HK$33,120 | HK$16,560 | HK$16,560 |
早鳥優惠學費 (九折) | HK$29,808 | HK$14,904 | HK$14,904 |
bodw+會員優惠學費 (九折) | HK$29,808 | HK$14,904 | HK$14,904 |
Vplus資助後學費 (基於早鳥優惠計算) |
HK$11,923.2 |
HK$5,961.6 (節省 HK$8,942.4) |
HK$5,961.6 (節省 HK$8,942.4) |
➞ 付款方式
就讀影樓攝影專業證書 (DE424210C) 需具備基本攝影知識和技巧。申請人須提交相當於DE424209C資歷之證明和作品集,以展示相關經驗和知識。
Basic Qualification
(a) | - | Five HKDSE subjects at Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages, or equivalent; OR |
- | Five HKCEE subjects at Grade E / Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages, or equivalent; OR | |
- | Completion of a QF Level 3 programme that is deemed acceptable to the respective Programme Board; OR | |
- | Relevant RPL qualification(s) at QF Level 3 or above AND a pass in an entrance assessment, which can be either oral or written; OR | |
- | Other relevant verifiable prior learning and/or work experience that is/are deemed appropriate by respective Programme Board AND a pass in an entrance assessment, which can be either oral or written. | |
(b) | Applicants are required to have at least 1 year of relevant working experience. | |
(c) | An interview may also be required on a need basis. |
Mature Applicants
Mature applicants, i.e. those aged 21 or above with at least two years’ relevant working experience, can be admitted. Where appropriate, the applicant may be required to pass an entrance assessment, which can be in an oral and/or written form.
Documents Required for Application
1) Completed Application Form (Online)
2) Upload Copy of proof for Academic Qualifications
3) Upload Copy of proof for Working Experience
導師Carl TSANG作品
3928 2777
#CommercialPhotography #Photography #StudioPhotography #ImageRetouching #DigitalWorkflow #fashion #product #editorial #advertising #wedding #portrait #商業攝影 #影樓攝影
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