創意多媒體插畫專業文憑 (DE424129D)
1) 插畫研習專業證書 (DE424130C)
2) 新媒體插畫專業證書 (DE424131C)
3) 應用插畫專業證書 (DE424132C)
課程編號 | 資歷架構 級別 |
資歷名冊 |
資歷名冊 登記有效期 |
上課模式 | 修業期 | |
DE424129D | 4 | 16/000831/L4 | 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2026 | 兼讀制 | 270小時 (~18個月) |
成功完成以下3個專業證書後,學生將獲頒發專業文憑: | ||||||
DE424130C | 4 | 16/000832/L4 | 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2026 | 兼讀制 | 90小時 (~6個月) |
DE424131C | 4 | 16/000833/L4 | 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2026 | 兼讀制 | 90小時 (~6個月) |
DE424132C | 4 | 16/000834/L4 | 19/01/2016 - 31/08/2026 | 兼讀制 | 90小時 (~6個月) |
Remarks: |
(1) Fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable unless the programme is cancelled. |
(2) This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 4). |
(3) Teaching Language: Cantonese |
申請資格: | 持有香港永久性居民身分證及首次成功入讀該合資格課程 |
學費發還比例: | 60% |
資助上限: | HK$36,000 |
可申請課程數量: | 多於一個合資格課程 (至用畢資助上限為止) |
申請期限: | 開課日起30天內 |
- 插畫研習:在設計工作室學習繪圖理論和技巧、如何將概念化成圖像;了解敘事、書刊編輯及視覺化的商業應用;並學習欣賞古今插畫大師的作品,啟發並發展個人插畫風格
- 新媒體插畫:掌握Adobe Creative Suite及其他3D繪圖軟件的應用,創作插畫、動畫及向量圖像,進而創作敘事概念圖;並透過行業分享,擴闊對專業製作技術和趨勢的理解
- 應用插畫:從營運模式、集資及撥款申請、自我推銷、客戶溝通到個人風格發展,讓學員認識如何開展個人插畫事業;學習角色設計技巧,及透過書刊設計和角色意象實踐視覺敘事技巧
單元編號 | 單元名稱 | 上課時數 |
CDM4059Y | Illustration Studio | 30 |
CDM4060Y | Analytical Illustration | 30 |
CDM4061Y | Art of Illustration | 30 |
CDM4062Y | Digital Illustration | 30 |
CDM4063Y | 3D Visualisation | 30 |
CDM4064Y | Motion Narrative | 30 |
CDM4046Y | Commercial Illustration | 30 |
CDM4065Y | Sculptural Visualisation | 30 |
CDM4066Y | Visual Narrative | 30 |
開課及報名 (第9屆)
開課及報名 (第10屆)
DE424129D | DE424131C | |
學費 | HK$52,200 | HK$18,000 |
早鳥優惠學費 (9折) | HK$46,980 | HK$16,200 |
Vplus 資助後學費 (基於早鳥優惠) |
HK$18,792 (節省 HK$28,188) |
HK$6,480 (節省 HK$9,720) |
(1) |
(2) |
This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under Continuing Education Fund. This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 4). |
(3) |
擴展的免入息審查貸款計劃 |
Entry Requirements
Basic Qualification
(a) | - | Five HKDSE subjects at Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages, or equivalent; OR |
- | Five HKCEE subjects at Grade E / Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages, or equivalent; OR | |
- | Completion of a QF Level 3 programme that is deemed acceptable to the respective Programme Board; OR | |
- | Relevant RPL qualification(s) at QF Level 3 or above AND a pass in an entrance assessment, which can be either oral or written; OR | |
- | Other relevant verifiable prior learning and/or work experience that is/are deemed appropriate by respective Programme Board AND a pass in an entrance assessment, which can be either oral or written. | |
(b) | Applicants are required to have at least 1 year of relevant working experience. | |
(c) | Basic knowledge of related area is preferred. | |
(d) | An interview may also be required on a need basis. |
Mature Applicants
Mature applicants, i.e. those aged 21 or above with at least two years’ relevant working experience, can be admitted. Where appropriate, the applicant may be required to pass an entrance assessment, which can be in an oral and/or written form.
Documents Required for Application
1) Completed Application Form (Online)
2) Upload Copy of proof for Academic Qualifications
3) Upload Copy of proof for Working Experience
Chow LEE
九零年代成立Chow Lee Illustration 插畫工作室,並一直參與香港和澳門的插畫教學工作,推廣文化創意產業。
2010年榮獲第一屆中華區插畫獎金獎 (廣告插畫類別)。 同時也擔任策展人和參展人,舉辦了多場插畫聯展。自2012年起,與香港知專設計學院 (HKDI) 合辦創意多媒體插畫專業文憑課程。 2014年被評為「十大傑出設計師」。
Lange WONG
現職遊戲公司美術,曾於多間不同類型的遊戲公司工作,工作範疇包括3D動畫、介面設計等;近年主要從事手繪及插圖工作,曾為Hip hop歌手Heyo繪畫電影"狂舞派3" T-Shirt,樂隊 De tesla音樂會、科幻武俠小說『戰問太平』繪畫封面和插畫,以及麵屋武藏及CCCCCC/select朗豪坊旗艦店繪製主題插畫等。
LinkedIn | Instagram
Johnson CHIANG
卡通造型 JohnDog 原創者,香港 Art Toy Story展曼谷站策展人,香港插畫師協會專業會員(2014-16擔任會長)。2013年出版有關如何運用創意為題的著作《創意,來吧!》。於廣告公司從事創作工作多年,現時主要從事插圖丶藝術創作及展覽統籌等工作。
導師Chow LEE作品
Illustrations by Students
3928 2777 peec.hkdi@vtc.edu.hk
#art #finearts #drawing #illustration #ChowLee #animation #new media
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