Exhibits' Highlights

Fabric Flux
Capturing Tension in Sub-zero Temperatures
Sara Sánchez y Gøtz
Differential Enclosure
An Illumination of Thermal Proximity
Robert Baron
Parasitic Thermal Exploiter
Formalising Thermal Bridging
Stine Bundgaard
Julien Nolin
Light Harvester
An Exploration into the Arctic Light Spectrum
Øyvind Andreas Limi
Steam and Light
A Study of Water’s Architectural Potential
Anita Bonde Eriksen
Wax Pistons
Thermodynamic Mechanical Elements
Nicole Strelcheva
Insulation Testing Shelter
Upcycling to the Extreme
Gabrielle Gualdi

To learn more about the design concept of individual projects, please click here for English and here for Chinese.
Copyright 2015 Hong Kong Design Institute and Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Educatiion (Lee Wai Lee)