Opening Ceremony 開幕禮

Date 日期: 29.09.2017 Friday 星期五
Time 時間: 6pm Cocktails 酒會 | 6:30pm Opening Ceremony開幕禮
Venue 地點: Design Boulevard, HKDI and IVE (Lee Wai Lee)
RSVP 網上留位:

HKDI Fashion Archive Opening Forum “Fleshion • Flashion • Fashion”
時裝及形象設計學系《玩味 • 時裝》開幕論壇

Time 時間: 7:30pm – 8:30pm
Venue 地點: VTC Auditorium, HKDI and IVE (Lee Wai Lee)
Speakers 講者: Ms Hilary Tsui, Co-founder of Liger
Liger 創辦人 徐濠縈
Mr Wallace Kwan, Creative Director, i.t apparels Limited
i.t apparels Limited 創意總監 Wallace Kwan
Mr. Harrison Wong, Design Director, Harrison Wong Ltd.
Harrison Wong Ltd. 設計總監 Harrison Wong
Moderator主持: Mr Sammy Leung 森美
RSVP 網上留位:

Seminars 專題講座

The Making of Hong Kong Brand Blanc De Chine - the Philosophy and Designing in Silk
本土品牌 Blanc de Chine 「源」─ 品牌理念及以絲為本的設計

by Blanc de Chine「源」

Date 日期: 03.10.2017 Tuesday 星期二
Time 時間: 4:30pm – 6pm
Venue 地點: A001 Lecture Theatre, HKDI and IVE (Lee Wai Lee)
演講廳 A001,香港知專設計學院及香港專業教育學院(李惠利)

Cheongsam's New Vibes

by Cheongsam Connect長衫薈

Date 日期: 07.11.2017 Tuesday 星期二
Time 時間: 4:30pm – 6pm
Venue 地點: A001 Lecture Theatre, HKDI and IVE (Lee Wai Lee)
演講廳 A001,香港知專設計學院及香港專業教育學院(李惠利)

* Seminars conducted in Cantonese 講座以粵語進行

Registration and Enquiry登記及查詢 / +852 3928 2900

Public Guided Tours 公眾導賞

Guided Tours could be arranged to schools and community groups by advanced booking.

Registration and Enquiry登記及查詢 / +852 3928 2566